
Nyappy - day

Yay! Today was good day :P In school everything went quite okey (except I skipped math :'D ) and I had fun time :) Especially when one of my friend, who text very rarely, send me "a random" message :D That really made my day! Thanks~~ <3>
Only bad thing was when I tried later on log in here..I REALLY FAILED!!! When I did this blog for me and you guys I put my e-mail "toushirou_92@hotmail.com" BUT my e-mail is "toushirou_92@luukku.com". When I tried to log in here it said that I've incorrect e-mail or password...
When I noticed that I have put wrong e-mail I really get mad :'DDDD I tried all kinds of things and finally ,after my karate training, I did that hotmail e-mail :'DD THEN I get inside here :'DDD Awwww man, I really really failed this time :'DDDD

That's all for today ^^
See ya~~

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