

Now I've proved that sun will someday shine in the darkest place also :))
Thanks to my new boyfriend <3
Luv ya~~


Well, something ridiculos has now happend..
My parents told me that they're going to divorce and I'm going to live with my mum and dog's. Now we're searching a new house and we also have to buy a new car after getting house :/
Well..I wasn't very surprised about the divorce, but it still hurts a bit though..
Now I just have to look forward and try to smile :)


Summer <3

At last it's summer <3 I've waited this sooo long time and NOW it's finally here!
No school and homework, no snow, no slippery days with bike etc.. Now I'm free to do what I couldn't do at winter and I just can lay down in the garden and do some sunbathing <3 Thought I have summer job in June, but I also have all the weekends and July to enjoy ^^
So, maybe I don't write here anything in these two months expect if something ridiculous happens :P

See ya and enjoy the summer fully!


Eurovision 2009

Finally it's tomorrow!!! I've been waiting so long with my friends that we could watch it. At last we could do that! Finland's Waldo's People is amazing and their song Lose Control is AWESOME!!! I just love it <33

I think these are good/best artists with their songs:

Iceland: Yohanna - Is it true?
Greece: Sakis Rouvas - This Is Our Night
Armenia: Inga&Anush - Jan Jan
Azerbaijan: AySel&Arash - Always
Malta: Chiara - What If We
Germany: Alex Swings Oscar Sings! - Miss Kiss Kiss Bang
Norway: Alexander Rybak - Fairytale
Romania: Elena - The Balkan Girls
Finland: Waldo's People - Lose Control
Spain: Soraya - La Noche Es Para Mi

And I also liked:

Ireland: Sinéad Mulvey & Black Daisy - Et Cetera
Cyprus: Christina Metaxa - Firefly
Hungary: Zoli Ádok - Dance With Me
Susanne Georgi - La Teva Desisió (Get A Life)
Bulgaria: Krassimir Avramov - Illusion
Montenegro: Andrea Demirovic - Just Get Out of My Life
Switzerland: Lovebugs - The Highest Heights




London was wonderful place >:3 I was really tired at the evenings and my legs hurt : < But it was worth it! I get to see Big Ben, London Eye and Madame Tussaud's cabinet for example :D Thought it was sad that we had so little time! There's more to see what I couldn't see this time but I'll definitely go back to London and tour more :)



Tomorrow I'll be going to Helsinki and then Friday morning fly to the London :DDD I can't wait the weekend I'm spending there >:333
Anyway, I'm going to come home at Sunday so I won't be here a couple of days :)
BUT!!! You'd definitely hear what was it like at my first time in London >:DDDD

See ya guys~~


This evening really ruled! I was with my lovely friends in Muodinyö (Fashion night) and just fooled around :'D I was kinda ad/hd at the time xD
awwww man..I really, really had a good time <3 Very many thanks to my lovely friends <3